
"..a bardy view!"

The Marmite Election

My daughter (at university seeking a BA hons in Education) has been invited to shadow a prospective parliamentary candidate for our London constituency. Apparently she has been vociferous in her criticism of him on his website, remarking on his poor performance (in her opinion) as a ward councillor. Marmite

I wouldn't say he was ineffectual, its just that his priorities are at odds with hers. There has been some banter back and forth with emails, and now that he is his official party's candidate (no names no pack drill – but one of the big three) he is keen to demonstrate his policies and show her the hard work he will be doing on the hustings.

I think she baited him by implying that she intended to enter politics and could do a damn sight better job. This clearly riled him and he suggested that perhaps she should be a councillor first before she attempted to attain the lofty heights of Parliament.

I think he's got a fair chance of toppling the current incumbent, and I admire his bravery. Not because he's seeking election in a cutthroat business, but because he's prepared to be accompanied for two long days with a volatile and highly critical individual. He's taking a big risk.

My daughter is a bit like Marmite – you either love it or hate it. But I'm biased because I'm very fond of Marmite. But even I can only spread it thinly on toast in the mornings. Eating it all day, for all its packed with vitamins and goodness, could be very challenging.

It puts me in a quandary because he doesn't represent the party of my choice, and yet I think he would make a good MP. I've never been one for tactical voting, and I've only got one vote. There's a lot at stake in this UK election – I value my vote and my right to it has been achieved through the sweat and tears of my ancestors.

I abhor people who say they are not going to vote because they can't be bothered or say there is no point – to me it is the epitome of idle ignorance.

Eat Marmite, you may not like the taste, but you'll feel better afterwards. That's what voting is all about!

April 3, 2010 Posted by | Current Affairs, General, London, Politics, United Kingdom | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment