
"..a bardy view!"

Wedding fever……

In recent weeks people could be forgiven for thinking that the royal wedding between Prince William and Catherine (Kate) Middleton was failing to generate national fervour. This snowball rolled slowly to gather mass, and many foreign correspondents observed a distinct lack of enthusiasm amongst the British.

What they failed to comprehend was the cultural psyche of a nation which has a tendency to adopt reserve. Contrary to the impression that they are attention seekers as evident on reality tv shows and the behaviour of some to expose their butts in holiday resorts like Southern Spain and Thailand, and generally being literal pains in the arse for the locals, the majority don't wear their pride on their sleeve.

Indeed, such is the phenomena of health and safety, the Prime Minister made a point of saying that people should go out and celebrate with street parties and not fear killjoy councils who may be too exuberant in exercising local by-laws. Thirty years ago when Charles and Diana got hitched, such considerations where a non-issue.

Perhaps it is was the culture of insidious state control, and the thousands of new laws which the previous Labour government implemented over thirteen years, which stifled the people and in essence made them brow-beaten.

The willingness was there, but for some reason indigenous cultural celebration became dirty words. It is for this reason, even for those who are indifferent about this royal wedding or opposed to the institution of monarchy, that we should be celebrating. We have been freed from our shackles. The yoke of socialist despair and misery is on the back foot, and for all our financial troubles and economic cuts, April 29th is a day to stand up, shout and wave the Union Jack.

Stirring stuff. But this wedding is unique because thanks to the internet it will be viewed globally by more than 2 billion people. This level of advertising is priceless, and no other city in the world could hope for such exposure.

So let us celebrate the pomp and circumstance, and hope that the event comes off with military precision. It's a huge logistical task, and a showcase for everything that Great Britain has got to give. To say that this is the right place at the right time would be an understatement, and as a trial run for the Olympic Games it is an opportunity that every previous Olympic host city would have sacrificed several gold medals for.

The eyes of the world will be on London this Friday. So let the anarchists, terrorists and religious extremists spout their bilious vile and threats of disruption. And whilst they do that, perhaps they may consider the freedom of living in a country which permits them to do so.

For once, just once, let the people enjoy their day, and allow the world to know who the British really are.

April 27, 2011 Posted by | Culture, Current Affairs, Events, History, Travel, United Kingdom | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Robin Hood, Hooded Robins, Doggerland and Climate Change

Having found a robin chirping away in my garden last month I was surprised to see the red-breasted bird normally associated with winter and the chillier climes of the British weather arrive somewhat early. Robin

Ok, it wasn’t wearing a hood, but I needed something to spin the title of this post. And what’s it got to do with Robin Hood anyway? Don’t worry, all will be revealed.

The big issue right now is climate change. Is it man made? Is it cyclical? Is it caused by the sun? The latest chestnut is that yes it’s cyclical, but man is quickening the process with his carbon emissions.

This latest observation is important, because many vigorous environmentalists are becoming increasingly concerned that cynicism is opposing their arguments, and so in an effort to add credibility to their questionable scientific theories, they conveniently use the phrase “mankind assisted”.

“Mankind Assisted Climate Change” is a catch-all repository.

Birds apparently are a very good indication of climate change. It effects their migratory cycles, and confuses them. Based on this principle, the unusually warm weather experienced in the northern hemisphere should theoretically result in premature visitations of summer birds, not winter birds like robins who think Christmas has come early. Now that’s confusing!

Undersea archaeological findings have established that about 8000 years ago the North Sea wasn’t where it was today, and that a land mass, known as Doggerland connected England to Holland. With the end of the ice-age and the melting of the polar regions and other glaciers, it sunk Doggerland good and proper.Doggerland_cropped

Indeed the British Isles exist as a result of climate change, and mainland Europe is that place over there populated by continentals that we Brits have had so much jolly fun steering clear of ever since.

Back then of course, there weren’t any motorways or railways and places like Milton Keynes.That’s the problem. Our ancestors, although no doubt peeved that they couldn’t any longer walk across to Amsterdam to visit the red-light district and pick up their gouda, coped reasonably well, and carved out their existence as fisherman as opposed to hunter-gatherers.

Now rises in sea levels will really put the boot in. There’s many more of us today, and infrastucture will take a hit. Sadly low lying islands and atolls will just disappear. But, heck, that’s climate change baby! It’s just our bad luck that 21st century man has to deal with it.

But are we really to blame? Isn’t it all just the best reason that governments have had for a hundred years to implement new taxes? After all, who could argue with the scientific evidence? What statesman would stand up and call the bluff?

So what’s the connection with Robin Hood? Here was a guy, together with his merry men prancing around dressed in tights of lincoln green, wafting through the leafy ambient warm forests of Sherwood Forest in Nottingham without a single icicle dripping from his nose. When was the last time you saw Robin Hood trudging through snow or the sheriff’s men with frozen codpieces? Think about those draughty Norman castles that didn’t have any central heating!

Humour aside, this period is known as the Medieval Climatic Anomaly which lasted for about 500 years between AD 800 – 1300. A time of unusually warm weather particular to Europe. It was later followed by the mini-ice age.

The stories of the Thames freezing over in the 16th century and people using it as a highway and commercial centre, whilst walking and skating from one side to the other are well documented facts.

Climate change has been a recurring reality, but whether we should take all the blame for it this time around is wide open to analysis. We may with our efforts postpone it, but prevention is beyond our means. All the evidence has still to be heard. The voice of reason must prevail, whether you believe in Robin Hood or not!

November 30, 2009 Posted by | History | , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments